answers to questions about using a taxi service

answers to questions about using a taxi service

Dos And Don'ts Of Moving

by Elliot Simpson

Has it been a while since you've packed up your belongings and moved to a new home? Are you concerned that you're unfamiliar with the process and might make a few mistakes? This list of dos and don'ts should make it easier to plan your move:

Do check on insurance coverage. Some movers include complete protection as part of a package deal, while others charge extra for anything beyond basic coverage. Make sure to ask your movers how they handle insurance during all phases of the move. You may also need to procure additional indemnity if your household items include expensive art pieces, antique musical instruments, or irreplaceable heirlooms. Contact your insurance agent to see if your current policies can coordinate with the moving company insurance to cover any issues that could arise during moving.

Don't hesitate to ask about extra costs. When the movers give you a price, don't be embarrassed to ask them for details. The movers will be happy to explain everything on the estimate so that you'll be an informed customer. They won't mind telling you if they are charging a premium for the day of the week you chose. They'll understand if you ask if the cost of packing supplies is included in their rates. If need be, they can sit down with you and go over every item on their list so that you understand all the charges involved. 

Do invite the movers to tour your home to write the estimate. You may think that you can get a reliable quote over the phone, but the movers need to look at everything in your home in order to give you an accurate estimate of costs. You may have antique furniture that requires extra padding and special handling. Perhaps they'll need to take your double doors off the hinges so the workers can be safe when they're taking your entertainment unit out of the house. By having the movers inspect your household goods, they'll be able to give you a thorough appraisal of potential costs instead of providing a rough guess over the phone. 

Don't avoid taking notes. You may feel that writing out every detail is a waste of time because you'll remember everything, but moving can be stressful and cause you to be forgetful. Record the movers' route, their estimated arrival time, and how long they expect it will take to unpack your belongings. Write down a list of cell phones of those involved in the move and make enough copies for everyone. Click here for more info to help you prepare for your move with ease.


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answers to questions about using a taxi service

Do you use a taxi service often? Do you know how to pick and choose which taxi service you use? Are there any taxi sharing groups in your area that you can take part in to save on the cost of transportation each day? Are there safety measures that you should take each time you get in a taxi? You will find the answers to many of questions about using a taxi service around town on my website. It is my hope that the many things that I have learned about using a taxi for the past 56 years can help you during your taxi use.
